Friday, April 25, 2008

The "OH MY HELL" moment of the day.

Yesterday there were actually two "OH MY HELL" moments of the day. The first wasn't quite so bad as the second. My kids were all out riding scooters and playing in the garage/front yard. I walked out the garage door to check on them and I hear the two boys say..."Uh oh, she is busted." I am thinking what in the world is my daughter doing to get that kind of response. I turn to walk out the door to the back yard and I see my daughter standing there, pants pulled to her ankles trying to pee like she just watched her older brother do. I couldn't help but laugh as I pulled her pants up and explained to her that girls can't pee outside like boys do.

The second one happened later in the day when I was putting Jaycee down for a nap. She feel asleep a lot quicker than she normally does (or so I thought that was the case.) I went to check on her and this is what I found......

Brand new tube of destine all over everything including her and the carpet. Let me add that this is the "creamy" type that doesn't wipe off easily. WHAT A MESS! Man, would my life be boring without my amazing kids! :)


Cederberg Family said...

Peeing like a boy! If only it was that easy some days!! Ha ha!! She cracks me up! Love yah!

B said...

Jen, I'm so glad my daughter's not the only one. She had one of those moments when she was a baby, but not with desitin.......she used hot pink finger nail polish. If I can find the pics I'll put them on my blog or it may have to wait till my scrapbook stuff is unpacked and I'll scan the pages I did of it. Nanna wasn't wearing a smile just gotta laugh though, don't ya!

Keri Loveland said...

Hi Jen! My little Bree the same thing only with vaseline, it was pretty funny and shiny! Come visit me at Hope to hear from you soon