Thursday, September 25, 2008

First Scout Badge

Last night was Kayden's Pack meeting where he earned his first badges. He earned his Bobcat badge and also earned his bow & arrow badge and belt loop and his BB gun badge and belt loop. We are so proud of Kayden, he has taken this really seriously but also really enjoys it. He works hard and this was such a wonderful way to celebrate his work.

When he received his Bobcat badge he earned a pin. He gets to pin it on either his mom or dad. Here is Kayden pinning it on his dad. Notice Ori & Jaycee had to be right there watching what was going on.

And here is Kayden showing all of his accomplishments and awards.


~L said...

Wow Way to go!!!

Stephanie said...

awesome job-tell him congrats from us

Stephens Family said...

How neat. Riley is really enjoying scouts also. :)